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Negotiation Skills

The content will be specific to each individual or group attending and their particular requirements but may include elements of the following:

bulletIdentifying the different types of negotiation
bulletWhy negotiate?
bulletPlanning and preparing to present your message
bulletKey interpersonal skills required for the successful negotiator
bulletUnderstanding the impact of environment on the negotiation process
bulletAchieving a win-win outcome
bulletDifferent types of behaviour – Passive, Assertive, Aggressive
bulletInfluencing styles and how to use them in different situations
bulletPlanning for possible pitfalls and using appropriate techniques to overcome objections
bulletOpening the negotiation
bulletNegotiating creatively to gain agreement
bulletAdopting a range of styles and tactics in different negotiating situations
bulletDealing with difficult and demanding people
bulletHow to achieve the desired outcome
bulletThe use of assertive communication during negotiation
bulletThe importance of good, clear communication
bulletClosing the negotiation process
bulletAgreeing and recording agreed outcomes with follow-up action

Personal and Organisational Learning Outcomes

bulletThe ability to decide when negotiating skills should be used
bulletSuccessfully plan and prepare for negotiation to achieve win-win outcomes for all parties concerned
bulletUse appropriate tactics to establish both essential and desirable outcomes
bulletAn understanding of the different types of negotiation
bulletImproved self-confidence
bulletTechniques for dealing with difficult people and situations
bulletCredibility of the individual improved





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Last modified: October 12, 2004