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Report Writing

The content will be specific to each individual or group attending and their particular requirements but may include elements of the following:

bulletIdentifying the characteristics of reports and what makes them effective
bulletWhat is a report and how does it differ from other written communications
bulletThe different types of report
bulletUsing tone and style to achieve the highest possible interest
bulletDefining specific objectives and terms of reference
bulletIdentifying the readership and their expectations
bulletResearching and collecting the information
bulletSelecting information for inclusion in the report
bulletStructuring the report: aims, methodology, results, conclusions, recommendations, glossary, acknowledgments and appendices
bulletApplying guidelines for clear, concise and accurate business writing
bulletDistinguishing between fact and opinion
bulletDefining the message and ensuring the salient points are covered
bulletPreparing written communications to achieve the desired actions
bulletMaking the most of technology
bulletGrammar and punctuation, editing, proof reading, spell checking
bulletUsing plain English and explaining technical terms
bulletPresentation of the finished report

Personal and Organisational Learning Outcomes

bulletAbility to structure reports effectively and within corporate guidelines
bulletImproved grammar, composition and style
bulletAchieve the desired results
bulletPresent information clearly, concisely, persuasively and readably
bulletGive recommendations for course of action
bulletHow to research, collect and select relevant information for inclusion in the report
bulletHow to use the report as a powerful, influencing tool





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Last modified: October 12, 2004